Anniversaries & Steampunk Flutists.


Good morning, world.

So, I have some more information, regarding Skylar’s show on Friday night.

Skylar’s band is opening the show, and they have about 30 minutes to play their set, and be done.

But I saw the flyer posted on Facebook, and there’s this picture of a girl on there, and I thought maybe it was just how the flyer was.

I don’t know.

I didn’t really think anything of  it, needless to say.

A few hours later, Skylar texts me and says that the flyer for the show pisses him off, and proceeds to send me a screenshot of it.

He said the girl on the flyer was a  self-proclaimed “dancing, steampunk flutist.”

As soon as Skylar said that, I knew I had to get to this fucking show.

This fucking bitch is going to crash and burn, and I cannot wait to watch this shit, because it’s going to be great.

However, Friday is just the beginning of a weekend of sheer insanity.

On Friday, Skylar is going straight from work to come get me, and we’re going back to his house.

We’ll have a little down time, which will probably cause for getting laid, and a little drinking.

And those are my two favorite things.

However, I don’t want a repeat of Saturday night, so I’m only going to drink a little to loosen up, so I’m not weird to meet Skylar’s band.

Then, I’m helping load Skylar’s car full of his shit, then we’re off to the venue.

Apparently, this place is supposed to be a pleasant hole in the wall, yet a total dump at the same time, so this should also be interesting.

More or less, this show ends between 2am-2:30, so I probably won’t be home at a decent hour, let’s put it that way.

I’m so mad at myself. because I probably should’ve mentioned staying over at Skylar’s this weekend instead.

After Friday night, Skylar is going to come back and get me Saturday morning, like I did sleep over, but not really.

We’ll proceed to fuck around and whatnot, then, we have to go to his parents’ house to watch their dogs for them while they’re out of town.

You know what Saturday is?

It’s officially our one month anniversary, which is kind of a big deal, in a way.

At least it is for me.

Skylar and I haven’t fought, argued, or even disagreed on anything once.

He hasn’t wanted to break up with me during that time, either.

*Cough Taylor cough*

We get along way too well.

In fact, the puppy love stage lasts for about two weeks, due to my experience, and it’s still going quite strong between us.

Time has gone by so fucking quickly, it’s not even funny.

In fact, it goes by so quickly, it’s borderline terrifying.

It feels like Skylar and I have been together for two weeks.

And since it’s our one month anniversary, he’s going to cook me dinner, which will be bacon wrapped filet mignon.

You think I’m fucking kidding?

No, not at all.

I know Skylar really, truly does love me.

After being with Max and Taylor, I realize that everything they said and did was just empty.

Their words had no meaning.

They both said they loved me, but they didn’t fucking mean it.

Now after being with Skylar, I really do know that he means it; it’s just one of those things where you just know.

And comparing every relationship I’ve been in to this one, I definitely see Skylar and I going somewhere.

Long story short, I know Skylar means everything he says, and he’s not full of shit.

And considering that I’m his first girlfriend, I know he’s going to treat me like gold, anyway.

Needless to say, he’s doing a fabulous job.

I mean, filet mignon and frequent Disney trips?

Like, come on.

Meanwhile, I know this is completely off topic, but on October 13th, I’m getting my first tattoo.

Skylar isn’t going to get one, but he’s taking me so I can.

In most tattoo shops, on Friday the 13th, they have $13 tattoos, as long as they’re 13 related.

I plan on just getting the number 13 done, but I have no idea where.

I’d get it on my hand, or my finger or something, but my next surgery is on the 17th, and I don’t really want anyone seeing anything.

So, I was thinking about getting one on my hip, or somewhere I can hide easily.

I have no idea, and I’m doing this completely on a whim.

I’m contemplating on telling my mom, but she doesn’t really mind tattoos, so I don’t think she’ll be pissed off about it.

Especially if it’s small and on my wrist, I can always wear a bracelet to cover it up, if need be.

I may just mention it tonight, and see how she feels about it.

And if she doesn’t take too kindly, then I’m just going to get one in a discreet spot, anyway.

Shit, when Max was 18, he got a fucking big ass band around his arm, without his parents’ knowledge.

So, I could always remind her of that.

Small tattoo on a semi-visible area, or a big ass fucking tribal band around my bicep?

Yeah, I think we all know who wins, here.

But like I said, I’m getting one anyway, so I really don’t give a shit.

It’s hard to believe that it’s next Friday, but fuck it.

I’m just curious as to how Friday is going to play out, because it should certainly cause for a good story for you.

This Friday is just going to be the beginning of my roadie adventures, and I can assure you that my blog posts will only get more interesting.

My life ain’t shit now, but very soon, it’ll be as exciting as I imagined it to be.







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